Monday, April 7, 2008

Jeff and I have decided to start running together. We're both feeling a little pudgy and parental, so it made sense. Plus, one of the things I've started to resent about running is that it had become even more time away from my family. So running as a family seems like a good solution.

We started this morning, and started at the beginning of the C25K. I have mixed feelings about starting completely over. On one hand, I hate to think I've lost so much ground. But on the other, I know the best way for me to accomplish my goals of actually running a 5k is to start with a manageable plan, and this is certainly manageable.

It felt great to be out on a crisp, clear, sunny spring morning with my husband and baby, and it felt good to be running. I hope that good feeling continues.

1 comment:

KaperKate said...

Good for you! Who cares about starting over - I've started over millions of times.