Saturday, April 18, 2009

11 Hours...

Tomorrow morning at the ungodly hour of 7:45 a.m. I will begin running my first 5k.

Tonight I'm going to eat a vat of pasta in the hopes it will boost my energy to the point that I don't notice the muscle fatigue that's been plaguing me the past couple of weeks.

Pasta + adrenaline will surely = success, right?

To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. When I went to pick up my packet today, I suddenly realized: uh-oh. This is for real. And I'm not ready, really, really not ready.

But surely I'm not the first person in the world to run a 5k less than prepared, right? Surely I won't make a complete fool of myself?

Jeff keeps using humor to lighten the situation. Today I was looking up the map for the run, and he said, "Don't worry, honey! I'm sure you won't be so far behind the rest of the runners that you'd get lost!" Ha ha! HILARIOUS!

Then I was joking about how we'd better stick around for the medal ceremony and he said "Do they give out medals to the top 95%? Because I'm confident you'll be in the top 95%. Of women. Ages 25-90."

Oh, that jokester.

I'll write again tomorrow, of course, post-race. Now, for that pasta...

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