Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I skipped my weekend run. I know, I know. But I'm so busy! And it was cold!

Anyway. I did get back to the gym today, and broke a bit of a personal barrier...I ran with someone. I have a thing about not wanting to run with anyone. I find running embarrassing. I get red-faced but not around my eyes, giving me an attractive raccoon mask. I really have to focus on my breathing and pace to not trip spectacularly over my own feet.

But I've been running for nearly ten weeks now, and am feeling more comfortable with myself as a runner. So when I realized I left my MP3 player at home, it didn't take much for me to accept my friend Kristen's suggestion that we run together.

And it rocked! I paid less attention to how much I hate running and how tired I was getting and am I done yet? Instead we chatted (I conversed less as the run went on and I grew more winded). Kristen has a running watch (something I need) so she kept track of the time. I didn't ask until we had reached 13 minutes.

By the last two laps, I was really feeling it. But I stuck it out and ran for 22 minutes. I felt a little dizzy afterward, probably due to my light lunch. I am still struggling to strike a balance between too much food (barf) and too little (faint) before a run.

Today's weight: 133.6. I was surprised to see this number on the scale, as I haven't been too diligent with the eating lately, and I had been plateaued at 135-136 for a while. Maybe it won't last, but it felt good to see it.

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