Monday, March 2, 2009

Week 2 recap, plus Week 3 Day 1

Last week's runs went really well. I ran outside in beautiful weather on Monday and Wednesday, but my Friday run was postponed due to Sam's two-month check-up at the doctor Friday morning. Then Saturday we awoke to snow covering the ground and still falling.

I had two options: go up the street to the community rec center and run on the (sole) treadmill, or drive to the college rec center and use the running track. Because I'm still in the early stages of my training with lots of shorter running/walking intervals, I thought it would be annoying to run on the treadmill. I headed to the track.

When I did the C25k the last time I did almost all my running at OU's rec center. OU's track was 1/10th of a mile, and it got really, really boring and repetitive to run the track. KU's track is about 1/4th a mile, and is a sort of figure eight (except it doesn't cross over in the middle...can you imagine the collisions that would ensue?) that loops around the various basketball, raquetball and volleyball courts. It was interesting to watch the people play ball and throw frisbees and such, entertaining enough that my run passed fairly quickly.

Today I did the first run of the third week and it SUH-uh-ucked. I thought it would be warm enough, but it was just in the lower 40s and even with my fleece cap and gloves I was cold. My ears started to hurt halfway through and the wind was whipping and the three-minute runs were HARD and boo hoo hoo.

The good thing is that this is what I remember ALL the runs being like the first time I trained. Every single one was hard and painful and unpleasant. This is the first time it's been so bad I wanted to quit. Maybe when the weather warms up later this week I'll be able to do the same run more easily. I hope so.

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