Thursday, March 19, 2009

Week 5

Is it possible this is getting...dare I say it...easier?

I just got back from my second run of week 5. This time I had to run for eight minutes (or 3/4 mile) twice. Considering that just a week ago five minutes had me huffing and puffing and cursing and limping, I wasn't too optimistic.

But I made it all the way through both runs without walking (or swearing)! And I actually felt pretty great afterwards...a little tired and sore, but not on the brink of a cardiac event.

I'm just trying to bask in the afterglow now, and not think ahead to my run on twenty-minute (2 mile) run. Yikes.

P.S. I noticed that the podcasts I linked to previously are no longer working and the website seems to be down. I've been running with my own music on the iPod this week, and it's been a nice change of pace. I'll probably keep checking for the podcasts, though, as they provide an added distraction.

P.S. #2 It's nearly impossible for me to listen to Mama Said Knock You Out without shadow boxing, and equally impossible for me to hear Pat Benatar's We Belong without singing along. Perhaps these aren't the best choices for my running mix, then. :)

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